Tuesday 29 May 2012

Day 143, 29 May: City Centre and Stay-In Skype Day

Norfolk Terrace, UEA, Norwich, Day 143. City Centre and Stay-In Skype Day

We had what should be called ‘the Pathetic Picnic’ this morning. Stef, Helen, Dave, Liam, Kurt, Me, and another guy whose name I’m blanking on. Good bloke, though. Dave brought out a loaf of bread. That was our shared sustenance (Stef used up the last of the peanut butter…and so the rest of us just ate the bread…plain), while a few of us drank pineapple juice. I parted from the group and headed just the extra bit it takes to get into the city centre, through Upper St. Giles Street and found myself at a guitar store. Yesterday, I leaned the guitar against my desk and snap! The high E string exploded in its tension and it was no longer stringed. I bought a new E string today, then a sandwich and mince meat, and sat looking over the city centre from the benches near the City Hall steps.
      I have to be honest. I really miss home. The activity day in and day out is pleasant in its simplicity, its absence of stress and deadlines, but there is also a greater drive to be back after being gone for longer than I’ve ever been gone. 143 days. On the other hand, it’s hard to believe I will be here…for only four more nights, including this one. I’m at the point where I’m ready to go home, but also I know that I will really miss Norwich, UEA, and the people at UEA.
      Today I saw Alvin in proper attire from placement (that is, basically work experience/internship provided through the school), tired after essentially a work day (9-5 or 6pm) and entering the kitchen to eat. Dan cooked up a rad chick pea, chicken, and onion curry with boiling rice. Gemma took breaks from revision in the kitchen. So did Jen. Vinnie was out and about playing Frisbee (most likely Ultimate) with other flats just outside on the lawn between Suffolk and Norfolk Terraces, and his team won. Marie came into the kitchen with her best friend from home, Sarah. Marika and Alex (from Day 41…more than 100 days ago…unbelievable) brought over two frozen pizzas and we shared them. Alex is finally done with finals, I mean, examinations—had one the first day of exams in the final days of April…and one today. UEA has a really long exam period, 5 weeks. Back on kitchen news, James from the neighbour flat stopped by with a shirt for Vinnie for the night, striped shirt with red and white lines. Yep, that’s the theme for the LCR tonight. ‘Where’s Waldo’ (but as he is called in Britain, ‘Wally’, not Waldo) and Smurfs—so random.
      I got a chance to make this a Sunday Skype day as well. I skyped Katya on the spur of the moment, well spur of a 15-minute moment, and we got in quality time. I also saw my parents and my brother too. On skype. In the months I’ve been gone (but not because of it), my brother picked up poi, a fun activity that can be described as…okay, using Wikipedia: ‘as a performance art, poi involves swinging tethered weights through a variety of rhythmical and geometric patterns’. I’m excited to see what it’s like. We both heard about it one 4th of July in a small former mining town in Trinity County.
      I ended the day with episode after episode of How I Met Your Mother: Season 7. So. Good. 

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