Sunday 6 May 2012

Day 120, 6 May: To Skypeland--Be Back Soon

My Computer, Norfolk Terrace, UEA, Norwich, Day 120. To Skypeland—Be Back Soon

It may seem both an anti-social and a social thing at once—being at a computer all day yet talking to my girlfriend and a high school friend all day. I did go for a run, but I was quite happy just being at my computer otherwise. I went through different stages: the oh-I-better-blog stage, taking a few hours to cover the weekend, then came the my-parents-are-leaving-for-Europe-today-I-need-to-email mode, next the yay-it’s-time-to-see-Katya, the Greg-it’s-been-forever-good-to-see-you, and then the yes-I’m-still-on-skype-let’s-talk-more-with-a-better-internet-connection-Katya. The internet connection was terrible today.  At one point, between Greg and Katya part II, I went off to the kitchen and ate French Brie cheese (Yes! ‘A pound!’ to quote yesterday) with Italian breadsticks. I shared it with Vinnie and Dan, and Wilson/Gum Gum was in the kitchen too. It was nice that the internet finally worked again and I got to hear Katya’s voice once more. I really miss her.

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