Saturday 26 May 2012

Day 140, 26 May: Wilson's Goodbye and Eurovision

Norfolk Terrace, UEA, Norwich, Day 140. Eurovision

I couldn’t believe it. Just two nights ago I typed ‘early bedtimes are really my greatest weakness’ and…okay, they still are, but last night was different! 10pm bedtime. As in, asleep. I got up at 8:30 and did all the morning activities and finished at 11. Around this time I skyped Katya in her late night and then went off to the kitchen to say my good-byes to Wilson, or ‘Gum Gum’ as we called him (his name actually has some resemblance to Gum Gum in some odd way that I forget). It feels really odd saying good-bye, but I knew the time was approaching.
Here is finally a[n incomplete] flat picture (Alvin, Charlie, Ryan, Laura, and Laura are missing:
(left to right) Dan, Wilson, Me, Marie, Matt, Gemma, Jen, and Vinnie
Wilson and Me
Eurovision: Lithuanian singer singing 'Love is Blind'

Eurovision: THE RUSSIANS!
Alvin, Me, Marika, and Morgana
      The day glided by after that and at 8pm, Marika, Morgana, and I headed to the blue bar to watch Eurovision, a singing competition among the European countries and each country has one performance. Russia was by far the most adorable—four Russian old ladies dressed in traditional dresses sang a tune while baking—on stage, mind you—cookies which were done right before the end of their performance (might’ve been already baked, though). The three of us were sitting with Annie, an upstairs neighbour above my flat, and flatmate Laura with her Lithuanian friends. We cheered on Lithuania when that performance came on.
      Morgana, Marika, and mixed our own enchantments for the evening, played card games at first, and then went over to Tom’s flat where I had good talks with Caitlin’s best friend Fiona and others. The night ended at the LCR, perhaps for the last time in my case. I fell asleep the minute I lay on my pillow.

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