Tuesday 22 May 2012

Day 136, 22 May: Play Day In Verse, Eh?

Norfolk Terrace, UEA, Norwich, Day 136. Play Day In Verse, Eh?

The sun came out and so did they
And in the fields they all did play,
Marie and Rach went on a walk;
I joined along for fun-filled talk,
Learning the red of Marie’s hair
Was not in fact always there (once brunette).
Frisbee I played with Caitlin, Vin, and Tom,
Square, then circle, then…something oblong;
James from the flat over, with racket and ball,
Decided the next game for us all:
Throw the ball, swing, next person catches is up
And Ollie joins in and Vin catches the ball, hands cupped.
I play awhile, then head in,
Emails to read and send;
How I Met Your Mother too,
And guitar and reading ‘Towers, The Two’ (Lord of the Rings).
The run grilled me but refreshingly,
The dinner turned out incredibly,
And skype with Katya was quite great
Until the goodbyes that we belate.
I scared Alvin in the hall,
And we laughed about it all,
Bedtime pending at eleven,
Or should it be :07?
Oh yes, and Vinnie once came in
dressed in just one sheet pinned
and here’s the photo
down below.
That is this, a day of playful bliss,
This is the dinner I did make;
My brother Johnathan will say, 'Oh heaven's sake!'
(Another photo of food?)
Here is Vinnie in a blanket white,
LCR is 'Anything But Clothes night'.

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