Monday 28 May 2012

Day 142, 28 May: Steady Decline

Heigham Road, Norwich, Day 142. Steady Decline
I know, it's different. I've run out of bananas, as the
cleaning lady Judy had guessed. So I give you this!
I hadn’t known at the time, but Caitlin has also left Norwich for a series of European adventures with her friends and I wished her well via text. Another person is gone, but I also saw today that Joe and Vito have returned from their European adventures. Still, very gradually UEA’s population is on the steady decline as the summer hits.

      I hung out with Marika and Morgana on Morgana’s last day. She leaves tomorrow on a four hour train ride to see her mom and brother in a town in northwest England. Then after hitting England, they go onto continental Europe for more adventures. I wish her the best, especially with her stuffed Narwhal that she got from her boyfriend on Valentine's Day this year, in the mail. It's good to know others pushing through these months of long distance relationships. Bye, Morgana! 
      On our roll around campus, I finally got a UEA T-shirt exchanged for the fourth time—the last times I somehow didn’t believe or didn’t hear the lady say it was a woman’s shirt. We bought ice cream. It was quite a hot day, after all. Dinner we had at Zest, which was quiche good.  I went for a run just before that, winding up in a different district: Cringleford. Out of the blue there was a map in a park. I ended up with a good loop for the run after all.
Me and Kate
      Towards evening, I hugged Morgana good-bye and headed off toward the city centre. Or rather, Heigham Road. Stef’s (and Helen’s and Kate’s and Dave’s and Liam’s and Adam’s) house. It was Kate’s birthday and it was a call for a celebration that evening. Helen was sunburnt, Dave was somehow considered ginger (he has brown hair), Stef is worried about her Shakespeare exam, Helen got fired up about politics (so there are two big parties: Conservatives (once Tories) and Labour Party (replaced Liberals in 20th century, which were once Whigs) and neither of them are really liberal and both of them are mostly conservative, as Helen told me. There is a more left-wing party, the Liberal Democrats but they are more third-party than anything, based on the current seats.), Adam revealed his dedication to Doctor Who and How I Met Your Mother (good talk), I saw a friend from my 19th century module, I was dramatic with Wes, Sophie was there and offered a new pronunciation of a word which made no sense to me ‘Californ-I-A’ (yes, pronounce the ‘I’ as ‘I’ and ‘A’ as ‘A’), I met her friends Tahnee (Native American name) and Sarah, and we all walked to the city centre a few hours into the night to celebrate further.
      I slept on the living room sofa at S-H-K-D-L-Adam’s house, asleep by the time I closed my eyes.

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