Sunday 29 April 2012

Day 113, 29 April: When Motivation Flies Out the Window

Norfolk Terrace, UEA, Norwich, Day 113. When Motivation Flies Out the Window

When motivation flies out the window, and you have time to spare before the onset of stress, the byproduct may be this: too much time. Yes, I spent today R.E.L.A.X.I.N.G.—Really, Eagerly Languishing And Xylophones Initially Never Gong (I think this nonsense speaks for itself).
Skyping Clare!
      Now I did do abs and run today—it was an incredibly good feeling to power past the puddles of pouring rain precipitously playing along the sidewalk (alliteration is amazingly awesome and addicting). The late afternoon weather actually brightened up and dried the rain away, which was nice for a change.

Dinner, Tea, oh yeah...I should read...
In the Kitchen, Charlie, Alvin's back, Gemma (hard to see)
       Yes, as Marika asked me this morning, today is skype Sunday—unfortunately it was only a 30-minute session with Katya, completely unplanned due to her busy schedule that, like a cloudy day, suddenly had the clouds open up for a little bit of time.  It was good to see her, as always.
Yes, my pasta just kept bubbling over tonight.
My fast solution: keep blowing on it.
      There was another skype that was unexpected, at least for me: a flat skype session with an old flatmate from last semester: Clare! She’s Eastern Australian, I believe, and currently there now, in her rental. Most of us (Gemma, Jen, Dan, Charlie, Alvin, Ryan, Matt Lithuanian Laura, and I) crowded into Jen’s room and we all hovered over the laptop monitor, non-creepily. It was fun.
My Best Attempt at the 10-Second Camera Shot Setting
       Gemma gave me a hard time about how my dinnertime is perpetually late-ten PM. I said no, it’s usually nine PM. And, confound it, the day passed by me playing guitar, reading (I so wish this was the majority), and taking pictures of myself jumping in the air. So, yes, Gemma turned out to be right again: I had dinner a little after 9pm, yet again.
      Now it’s nearly eleven and I haven’t read nearly as much as I should’ve today. Oy vey (did you know that this phrase is actually Yiddish? Yes, indeed, I looked it up. It means ‘Oh, pain’.), but hey, it was fun hearing Jen talk in Welsh in the kitchen, hearing Gemma and Jen mention also their lack of productivity today, playing on Dan’s guitar, hearing Charlie say that he likes my American accent because it’s subtle, tossing around a Nightmare Before Christmas pillow in Jen’s room, deflecting a small plush globe ball back to Charlie and to Jen in the hallway, realizing that I haven’t spent a pence since Thursday, and now deciding that maybe I can squeeze in a bit more reading before a hopefully earlier wake-up hour. Cheers!

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