Monday 23 April 2012

Day 107, 23 April: Breakdown of a Day from Peace to Stress

Norfolk Terrace, Norwich, Day 107. Breakdown of a Day from Peace to Stress

I decided to keep an hourly sense of awareness to how my day progressed. For the purposes of writing this post quickly, I will not mention all that occurred but here are the highlights:
9-9:30 cleaned the flat kitchen, helped bring in groceries for Laura (LOw-ra)
--worked on my short story, showered, ate breakfast, ate lunch, got ready
2:20-6:40 30-minute bus to the city centre, new running shoes (New Balance again), four bags of groceries (for two weeks plus rice and spices), 30-minute bus back to UEA
Cheese-Ham-Mushroom-Veggie Stir-fry
9-10:20 preparing, cooking, eating, cleaning—I realize that I definitely take my time in this activity
10:30-12:40am online: emailing, IM-ing Katya, and buying train tickets for the UCEAP (Univ. of California Educations Abroad Program) event starting in London and taking a coach to Stratford-upon-Avon for a daytrip. This last thing caused me really considerable stress: the last ‘cheap’ (barely worthwhile) ticket for 6am and 5:30am ran out. I got stuck with a 5am ticket from Norwich to London Liverpool Street Station. I was pissed. I have to be at King’s Cross by 8am, though. I’ll just sleep.
Oh yeah, this happened too. Yes, that is
 a strainer and that is a fork.
      Second thing: looking through the requirements and expectations for the short story due this Thursday. I think the rhetoric of school assignments has always given me stress just reading them, but coupled with the train anxiety, it was worse this time. I don’t know how much I have to rewrite to fit certain conventions.

      As I got into my bed (by 12:46), I realized I had begun today with a calm mindset and I ended the day in the turmoil and boiling cesspool of traveling and school stress.
      But one thing lightened my heart, and this day: I received Katya’s anniversary parcel in the mail. She sent my favourite candy (Reese’s buttercups) and a collage of ridiculous and wonderful photos of us. In this sea of stress, in the fear of being sucked into whirlpools of chaos, I found a life buoy to hold onto and calm me down. 

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