Wednesday 29 February 2012

Day 53, 29 Feb: Weary Wednesday

UEA Library, Day 53. [1:34] Weary Wednesday

The hour doth grow late as I sit at a desk with Great Expectations, looking at the reflective windows and thereby seeing the illusory image of the shelves upon shelves of books in a library that never sleeps. Wednesday I have no classes, but I do the most work—oh the irony.
            The morning was devoted to health: ab workout, run (there were at least twenty dogs on the trail around the lake), breakfast, making lunch.
            The afternoon was devoted to academics. I swapped interior monologues with Sierra, the only other UC Berkeley student at UEA this semester with me, and realized that my character needed another revision. It turned into my second rewrite/fourth draft after our meeting. After four hours of a slow editing/rewriting process (with 40% of the work in the last 40 minutes), I completed a more suitable draft.
            The night was devoted to obligations of the stomach and academics. I cooked a shit-ton of pasta, finished off last night’s steak, all after the twenty-first hour of the day. I’m now in the library, on the verge of departing.
            Two last things: one, I witnessed the incredible ability of the subconscious to surface in writing today. During one of my breaks in rewriting the monologue, I glanced over a promotional message on facebook for a Peter Pan performance in my hometown soon. During the new draft, my character suddenly had a backstory where she was casted in Peter Pan. I didn’t make the connection until twenty minutes after the fact. Two, it’s rather surprising, but I keep running into friends in the library, of all places. First Alex, second Briar. So odd how coincidences work. Now I blow out my twenty-first century candle above my head, flicking off the florescent blub. Off, in the darkness.  

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