Monday 6 February 2012

Day 30, 6 Feb: Pancrepes!

Norfolk Terrace, Day 30. 23:59 (truly this time). Pancrepes!

Jenny in command
Steff takes over the helm for a bit.
            I went to the kitchen and smelled the homemade pancake batter. Ever vigilant over the hobs (stovetops), Dan and Jenny became the leaders of this epic pancake frenzy as they flipped the thin pancakes every few minutes. The finished products were not fat enough to be actual pancakes, thus they were called by a different name: pancrepes!
       That concluded my evening. Oh, yes, this was dessert: my peanut butter and powdered sugar crepe was incredible. The rest of the day will go in reverse since the anticipated time for pancakes is morning and we did it backwards.
            I played piano in a practice room for 40 minutes, and it felt good to sing and play a little. Small steps to improvement. Before that, UEA Choir rehearsal also had a good, refreshing feel at the finish—the Mozart Requiem is coming along.
            A sautéed mushroom noodle dish took me a little under thirty minutes to make, and I was under the gun, barely finished cleaning my plate and headed out the door to rehearsal on time. I was maybe five minutes late, so the crammed cooking scheme turned out all right after all.
            The main late afternoon bit of the day was spent in the library, where I actually enjoyed reading the 19th Century Writing novel of the week: Balzac’s (yes, I noticed the innuendo too) Old Man Goriot.  It takes the reader into the intricacies of the heartless Parisian aristocracy in the year 1819 (so after Napoleon, 5 years into Louis XVIII's monarchy). One particular cruelty, which happens to Goriot, is the severing of parental ties that his daughter’s husbands (one a baron, the other a count) insist upon since Goriot is a lowly vermicelli dealer despite amassing a fortune (hence the daughters’ marriages into nobility). It’s a really engaging story, though.
            I walked around campus, paying the final amount for on-campus accommodations. Then I searched but failed to find the Hive’s office to get ISS (International Student Society membership) or a ticket for the ISS Sushi Night this Thursday. Realizing the hour growing later than expected, I headed to the library to do a bit of reading.
            I had lunch-breakfast, went through emails, and packed up.
            I did ab work and stretches on my bedroom floor, but I had to skip the usual run which followed since there’s snow on the ground. It’s getting patchy and less glamorous, pockets of grass are peeping out from melted footprints.
            I woke up at 11:15.

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