Thursday 16 February 2012

Day 40, 16 Feb: You're Having Spaghetti Bolognese Too?

Norfolk Terrace, Day 40. You’re Having Spaghetti Bolognese Too?

It’s later than I anticipated and so this will have to be a short entry for a simple day. The Nineteenth Century seminar this morning was a smaller crowd than usual—apparently, being assigned two novels in one week is a far reason why not to show up, but I rather enjoyed the Brontё sisters’ novels  (Emily’s Wuthering Heights and Charlotte’s Jane Eyre). Granted, I didn’t get a chance to finish Jane Eyre (the class revealed the twist that my girlfriend hyped up for me--*devastated*), but I still plan to finish it during the weekend. The tutor drew out certain sections and like usual, the light-in-the-attic took awhile to be finally brought into full fruition, but I definitely would consider the ambiguity of sensation and rationalized descriptions of apparently supernatural events (inherent in the nature of these Gothic texts) quite thrilling to analyse. The lecture on Keats for Romanticism had a good rhythm to it (and metre! Pun! Okay, moving on) and it was interesting to note that John Keats was the leading Romantic poet on sonnet experimentation. Once seventeen o’clock rolled around (I don’t actually know if anyone would say that, but anyway), I ran over to the track and had a much-needed, heart-pumping workout of 1000m-300 x 3-1000-300 x 3-1000 all at 3K pace. The only rest we—by “we”, it’s the Athleticism Club main Thursday session group, so there were two coaches and about five guys and three girls in attendance—got was jogging or walking 100 metres after the 1000s and 200 metres after the 300s. I was slowest for the 1000s, but at the last set of 300m’s, I felt adjusted enough in breath and endurance to speed up and catch the guys in the front. They were really supportive afterwards, telling me that I worked it hard in the last bit. Felt good. 
Marie's (and Laura's) Spaghetti Bolognese
This was mine: Spaghetti (also Fettuccine)
Bolognese with Salmon and Cheese

Matt's Spaghetti Bolognese
        Next, I winded down and headed home to cook canned salmon into my spaghetti Bolognese. As I was cooking, I noticed how Lithuanian Laura and Matt were both preparing the exact same pasta in one pot and sauce in one pan system that I was doing. Since there were only 4 hobs (stovetops), Laura, then Matt, and then I finished making the meals. It turns out that Dan had also made spaghetti Bolognese and Marie has to be included since she shared dinner with Laura (aw, roomie sharing). So at the table, I just had to take pictures of this very odd coincidence of the preferred meal of the night. Afterwards, I fretted about my travels tomorrow (to be revealed over the weekend…) and really did not use my time efficiently enough. Off to bed now. Night!

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