Sunday 26 February 2012

Day 50, 26 Feb: The Abnormal 'Telly' Dream and A More Normal Sunday

Norfolk Terrace, Day 50. [1:10] The Abnormal ‘Telly’ Dream and A More Normal Sunday  

            Think of Dexter, Star Trek, and CSI—all three TV shows (or shows on the “telly”) and morph them into one. Now imagine watching two episodes of this sci-fi crew of scientists, galactic navigators, and forensic specialists all aiming to save the life of a distant red planet. Drama occurs while on board: a member of the team goes missing, and all but the captain fall prey to a fatal secret: an unexpected visitor from the innards of their ship has made his presence known with an artistic video of their missing member residing in an elevator for merely eleven seconds and being shredded to pieces. A small group meet in secret and find the body, discover no traces of familiar human knife or blade marks, and soon become trapped in an endless cycle of finding more videos or witness more events of artistic murders on board. At all costs, the captain must be kept in the dark, or the predator will feed his claws into the small group, one at a time. But finally, they discover the ultimate aim: The captain is the Death Artist’s next target…
            I awake. I cannot say I’ve had such a fluid dream like that in a long time—the experience was so much like watching a television show that I find it still hard to believe that was just one long dream.
            I brought headphones on my run today, preparing for a 50-minute run (a run longer than 45 minutes makes me wonder if I’ll get bored, so only then do I listen to music as I run), and sprinted to an end at 47:30. I covered all the familiar fields, the cricket fields, the farm house, the befuddling woodland trail, and then the grand loop all the way out of UEA and around. Linkin Park (er, before their recent failed concept album Thousand Suns) fired up my pace and I got into an aggressive groove.
The First Three Tacos...
            Skype with Katya, a Sunday ritual. Five tacos I proudly made for dinner at 10:40 (skype ran into dinner hours, but I had lunch at 4, so no worries about starving). I bite into the cherry tomatoes as the means of cutting them in half—Gemma laughed as I did this. I finally made it to the library today, just for an hour: 11:30pm-12:30am. Vinnie clicks off his light now and so do I. 

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