Wednesday 1 February 2012

Day 25, 1 Feb: Catch-Up Reading/Blogging Day

Norfolk Terrace, Day 25. 23:59. Catch-Up Reading/Blogging Day
Seeing as the hour is incredibly later than midnight, I’m going to have to settle with a short entry: good discovery run into the trees and undergrowth of UEA’s outer layer of campus; no class but had to catch up and read 200+ pages of Jane Austen’s Emma [reading the book for a second time (ever), but paid closer attention this time around]; witnessed Steff and Jen feel sick for the second night in a row from overeating good food (oh, the envy grows); teased by Stephen that facebook photos of me in my swim team speedo would be distributed in the flat (lol, he’s just jealous of my thighs); signed up in the nick of time for a £10 Daytrip to the Castles of Suffolk on the 11th of February; and, covered both yesterday’s and today’s blog entries.
            One thing that if these blog entries were a novel would already have made into a motif: the flooding of the radiators in the flat. Well, it has reached home this morning. Vinnie’s part of the room was apparently wetted by the radiator. Am I next?

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