Friday 16 March 2012

Day 69, 16 March: Fun Distractions, Still Essays

Norfolk T______, Day 69. Fun Distractions, Still Essays

            I was on a trampoline, or was it on a gigantious couch facing an elegant wall of crystal glass? Either way I find a mobile phone, feel it buzzing, and place it beside my pillow. The dream continues.
            8:57. The digits stared back at me like red ants intent on pinching me of my remaining minutes until 9. Groggy-eyed, I arose quickly and walked to class, only five minutes late. The seminar tutor introduced an activity dividing the class in two, discussing two separate juxtapositions: a poem from Wordsworth’s Lyrical Ballads vs. a poem from Mary Robinson’s Lyrical Tales (the plagiarized title was intentional, which was part of the reason why we compared the poems). The conclusion: Wordsworth allows for more opposition (i.e. difference of opinion) between the subject (narrator) and the object (the outcast, beggar, or child in the poem).
So this box actually came earlier this
week, but it's still making this week feel
as if  I'm connected to Trader Joe's
while in Britain (Thanks, Mom). 
            I bought my third hot sandwich roll this week. After weeks of preparing sandwiches, I felt like taking advantage of prepared food (ahem, First World laziness). I ‘close read’ a little of Great Expectations, pre-brainstorming stage for paper # 2. The rest of the day was mostly devoted to the first paper, still on Shelley but going through its second reincarnation. Three times from scratch is too much. I’m psyching myself out. New strategy: analytical stream of consciousness. The only rule is not stopping. Potentially disastrous but sounds so glorious to save time. (Okay, tempting…).
Research...there's no way around it:
It's just daunting sometimes.
(I'm the one with the salad.)
            How I Met Your Mother, hiding Charlie’s food, arguing with Jen, Charlie, Alvin, and Dan about the pronunciations of ‘herb’ (IT’S ‘ERB’!), ‘tomato’ (not tow-MAW-tow), and ‘pasta’ (PAH-sta, not Paa-sta),  cooking with Vinnie, and skyping Katya were definitely pleasant details to an otherwise academic desk-sitting day. I found today’s study approach, with the breaks, much more refreshing.
              Tomorrow until Tuesday night is Dublin. As recommended to me by various people, bringing a laptop might be a bad idea. And it’s Saint Patrick’s Day weekend. I apologize in advance that the next few days will be blogless. But hey, when there’s a trip, there are plenty of stories to tell…provided I remember them. Cheers! For St. Patrick’s Day!

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