Sunday 4 March 2012

Day 57, 4 March: Productive Sunday

Norfolk Terrace, Day 57. [0:15] Productive Sunday

A rainy day at the Ziggurat 
My Sunday Work Space...(The toilet paper is my tissue box.)
           I finally had a productive Sunday! I got up at 10, not noon. I studied first, had breakfast, did my routine ab work and went to the gym actually, played more guitar, called Katya, ate left-over Chinese, skyped Katya and Dad, and Vinnie arrived after his 3-day Paris trip! I think his weekend is more exciting to discuss—he sat down in the last hour and told me good things to do while in Paris (Basilique du Sacré-Cœur, Arc de Triomphe, Moulin Rouge, Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, etc.). Apparently, New Zealand Joseph can speak a little French, so they got by on that. Hope Katya can be my guide…or else I’ll just have to pick up some French. Or maybe just point to or pantomime everything I want to buy, let’s be honest.
            By the way, it’s Vinnie’s birthday today—and what a great way to celebrate. In Paris.
           Oh, and I finally put up pictures of my friends and family on my wall. Here’s what it looks like: 
Zoomed In (top left: New Years party 2011, middle: Joe's 21st Birthday,
bottom left: cousins!, top right: Labyrinthians (Berkeley roommates +
 Dylan's twin brother), middle right: same, bottom center: Cal Running club,  bottom right: Katya +  me)
Zoomed Out (top: family at Tahoe December 2010, right: Katya and me
at UC Botanical Gardens, Berkeley, the day after school May 2011).


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