Monday 23 January 2012

Day 16, 23 Jan: Two Lists

Norfolk Terrace, Day 16. 23:49. Two Lists
Shopping list: clothes hangers, cold medicine, top up on my pay-as-you-go Lebara phone credit (felt so clever to get £20 worth, which automatically makes me eligible for £10 free of more credit), bottled water (yeah, the tap is not enjoyable here), shampoo, conditioner, frozen pizza, etc. All check.
Reading list: Sir Walter Scott’s Waverley. Unchecked.

This is one of those days when you realize the burden of studying is greater than you anticipated.

Side-note: Met up with my UEA Buddy today, Alex. Kinda reminds me of my high school friend Tavi. Animated when he talks. Oh, saw an English version of Sanjala walking toward the bus stop. The bizarre reincarnations of friends from home continue.


  1. You know that seeing a version of me is just your subconscious telling you that you miss me right?
